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27 January 2011

Trevor's 1st Swim Meet

 before the meet:
after the meet:
There is a back story to these photos, but they do a nice job of illustrating the emotional roller coaster that Trevor was on during his first swim meet. He has been nervous for two weeks.

Tragedy struck when another Trevor was called to swim in a race that was to be (our) Trevor's first, and coincidentally the one he felt was his best race and was most excited about (freestyle). Both boys were not sure what was happening but neither spoke up. We all did our best not to cry and did some on-the-spot counseling/parenting to try and refocus him.

The next race was the 25 meter breaststroke and he finished second to last and came up coughing and spluttering saying later that he started crying half way across the pool. 

After that, we talked again about how he needed to try to put this behind him and do his best. The next race was backstroke (above), another stroke he really likes, and the results saved the day:
Trevor showed not only that he is a beautiful, natural swimmer but more importantly that he is a resilient, team player and we could not be prouder.


  1. is that a blue ribbon? wow! good job kid. sounds like you're on your way.

  2. Oh, my - pictures really do convey more than words. What an expressive face Trevor has. Good recovery Trevor - and I can't wait to see you swim - maybe in Con Dao or the sandy bottom pool? Love you and proud of you, Grandma Mingy

  3. I agree with Mary, the photos convey so much! This is a tribute not only to the swimmer but the parents. Trevor, I was there and I know how much you were NOT looking forward to that swim meet, but you DID IT despite adversity. Good going Buddy, you're a stronger person because of it. Yes, proud of you!

  4. First place! Awesome work Trev. You are a great swimmer, keep working at it. (I think all those times I tossed you at the Sandy Bottom pool must have helped, maybe with the adversity part.)
