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25 May 2011

Consistent Weather

Here's our 10 day forecast:

(click on the image for a clearer picture)


  1. The summer I lived in Okinawa ('91), the forecast was the same for the entire 6 weeks I was there... 95 degrees, 95% humidity, winds 5-15 mph out of the west during the day, low 80s and 85% humidity with winds 0-5 mph out of the east during the night... The only weekend it changed was when we had a typhoon hit and it rained for 4 days straight plus one night of 75+mph winds... :)

  2. This is sweet, especially for someone who's in SW Pennsylvania right now. I don't know how to dress from the morning to the evening. We're having a cold WET Spring. Maybe I'll just come live with you from Nov 1st.
